Aeroflow Breastpumps
Lactation Survey


Aeroflow Breastpumps specializes in providing pregnant women and nursing mothers with a way to purchase pregnancy and postpartum recovery items using their health insurance. Each year, Aeroflow Breastpumps interviews mothers who are currently breastfeeding children under the age of two. This survey covers a range of topics relating to breastfeeding – including how long each mother plans to breastfeed their child, what aspects of their lives play a role in this decision, and how supported they feel during this time.

The infographic below was created to share the results of this survey and raise awareness about the importance of offering breastfeeding support. This infographic was shared across various social media platforms – linking viewers to Aeroflow Breastpumps’ blog where they could learn more about the survey and download a copy of the infographic.

If you would like to view the full infographic, please click here.


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